This is where you come to register for our World-famous Study Groups. They are essentially free, the only thing that we pay for is any consumables. Range rentals, targets, UTM ammo, AvGas, etc.
We spend a lot of money to go to classes and get training, but often we dont invest the time to practice what we have learned. So we decided to put together these Study Groups on various topics and subjects. We've run scores of them already and we have to admit, it's our favorite events to run.
The only catch is, somebody needs to vouch for you. Either someone who has already attended a Study Group, or be an Alumni of Tremis Dynamics.
SG 69 - DARK SG - A little white light, a lot of NODs SG 70 - Bug The Fuck Out XX - An overnight Bugout Event SG 71 - Combatives SG72 - Dark - NODs SG73 - Cold Weather patrolling SG74 - FISH SG75 - Live Fire (P/C) SG76 - Wilderness skills (overnight) SG77 - Gunfight Club (FoF)