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  • Land Navigation
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  • Small Unit Tactics
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  • Patrolling


Ends Sun 06/01
Combat Art Training

Patrolling the homestead

This class will be taught by Andrew Smrecek of Combat Art Training and Jay Gibson of Praelectus Training. Patrolling the Homestead is a patrolling class for civilians. The purpose of this class is to save lives in the event of societal collapse or foreign invasion. This is a tactics class. You and your team will be moving in formation, communicating in silence, and avoiding enemy detection. If society breaks down you will be chosen to be a leader and there will be times when you will need to leave your home. This class will teach you the tactics and strategy necessary to leading a successful patrol, so you can get everyone home alive. This is not a shooting class. You can wear your kit and have ammo on you but we will not be shooting. This class is about tactically moving with a team and getting everyone home alive. There will be lecture immediately followed with practical application, going back and forth from the lecture to the field to practice what you have learned. It would be smart to bring a chair and folding table to make the lecture portions more comfortable. Specialized roles will be more realistically filled by those with specialized training. Students with training in medical, radio communication, land navigation, long range shooting, night vision, etc., will be placed in a specialized role during class. However, every student will be rotated through leadership positions. There will be a lowlight patrolling section at the end of the first day. If you have night vision or thermals, bring them. We will be maintaining light and noise discipline. TOPICS COVERED Use of Force Types of patrols Planning a patrol Signal plan Land navigation Team organization Formations Noise discipline Hand and arm signals Danger areas Immediate action drills Reaction to ambush Casualty evacuation Radio communication Low light patrolling Light discipline Listening post observation post Establishing a patrol base

Skill Level



Round Count


Gear List
1. Positive attitude 2. PEN AND PAPER YOU NEED TO TAKE NOTES (rite in the rain notebook is preferred) 3. Pants for outdoor use (jeans are fine) 4. Shirt for outdoor use (Sun shirt in camo color would be nice) 5. Change of clothes including extra socks and underwear 6. Baby wipes (this is so you can take a baby wipe shower if you feel too nasty mid day during class) 7. Boots for outdoor use (there are snakes out there, snake gaiters would be smart) 8. Clear eye protection for night time (prescription glasses are fine) sunglasses are optional (don't want a stick to hit you in the eyes) 9. Baseball cap or boonie hat for the sun (Shemagh, scarf, or extra shirt for the sun on your neck) 10. Quality semi automatic rifle with sights and a sling (slings available in our store) 11. A case of water (bring more water than you think you'll need) (a cooler with ice would keep you happy) 12. Electrolytes (sea salt in water works well, Gatorade is fine) 12. A way to carry water on your body (camelbak, canteens, water bottles in a backpack, etc.) 13. Pack a lunch 14. Extra snacks that will make you happy when you're wore out (trail mix, beef jerky, granola bars, candy bars chip, etc.) 15. Backpack or chest rig to carry extra gear, water, radios, etc. while patrolling) Optional specialized gear (bring it if you have it) 1. Medical kit 2. Radios and extra batteries 3. Night vision 4. Thermal optic 5. Compass and protractor 6. Signaling mirror 7. Long range rifle (SPR, DMR, bolt gun) Tactical gear (optional) You are not required to wear a tactical kit during class but you can bring it and wear it for portions of the class if you would like to. If you have tactical gear we encourage you to bring it and we can review what you need and do not need. Think about your tactical gear in the following three categories: 1. A kit you could patrol 20 miles in 2. A kit you would wear for a 5 mile patrol 3. A kit you would wear during a vehicle patrol


(+ $0 Range Fee)

Combat Art Training
Combat Art Training

Fort McCoy,FL (USA)

Additional Event Dates

Apr 26, 2025
