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  • Low Light Pistol
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  • Tactics
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  • Defensive Handgun


Ends Sat 03/15
Surprise Break Firearms Training

Low Light Handgun

Two-thirds of all gunfights occur in situations with low or no natural light available. This course will enable you to defend yourself while making darkness your friend by teaching you to properly utilize a flashlight and weapon-mounted light, use cover, and more tactics to prevail in low and no light environments. You will master defensive gun handling fundamentals by feel rather than by sight in this eight to ten hour course.

Prerequisite: You must have some professional handgun training prior to signing up for this class. Contact us if you have questions on this.

Skill Level



Defensive Handgun, Fighting Pistol or equivalent training

Round Count


Gear List

• Open Mind

• Reliable Pistol or Revolver

• Holster for Pistol or Revolver

• Extra mags (3 minimum if single stack, 2 if double) or speedloaders, moon clips, half moon clips and/or speed strips (3 Minimum)

• Pistol magazine or revolver speedloader pouch

• 300 Rounds of ammunition for your pistol

• Factory-fresh ammo only - absolutely no reloads or specialty, or steel core ammo!

• Handheld flashlight required and an additional Weapon-light are recommended

• Eye & ear protection


(+ $0 Range Fee)