Homestead Medical/Edged Weapon Injuries with Chuck Peoples and Sonny Puzikas. Fundamental and practical training class for those seeking to be better prepared for medical emergencies at home, when conventional medical care is not available or could be significantly delayed. This is an advanced medical training class for the prepared homesteader or persons to be ready for the unexpected injury or illness. All content is for “demonstration only”, this is not to certify anyone to practice medicine at any level. Information and hands on training as well as scenarios will provide a more advanced level of medical knowledge and skill than your average first aid class. Instruction will also focus on the fundamentals of prolonged care. This class focuses on hands on skills in controlled stress environment as well as leaning scenarios. Do you want to be prepared to take care of you loved ones or team members when conventional medical care is not available? Prepare and train today for tomorrows uncertainty. Classes will include patient care scenarios. Class will consist of the following: 2 Day Class- 16 Hours of Instruction Advanced Patient Assessment Vital signs application and Interpretation Tourniquet Use and Application Wound Packing and Wound Assessment Airway control and Advanced Airway Placement Chest Wall Injuries Fracture Management and Splinting Techniques Advanced Wound Care Introduction to Wound Closure Introduction to Medical Emergencies Environmental Emergencies Patient Packaging and Movement Equipment Selection and Gear Dental Emergencies and Care As a bonus feature, participants will have a chance to observe and examine realities of injuries/damage that could be sustained due to usage of edged weapons. Demonstrations will be done with various edged weapons, with students able to see, examine, discuss and learn possible courses of action to mitigate the injuries.
Skill Level
All Levels
Round Count